Business Development in Tornio

Business Tornio provides help and guidance to businesses on all matter ranging from set-up to relocation and business development.

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Business Tornio – experts at your service

Business Tornio provides help and guidance to businesses on all matter ranging from set-up to relocation and business development. The team also works closely with the Haparanda Business Unit, which allows local businesses to also make use of provision and expertise available over the border in Sweden.

Growth and development

Our growth and development services are aimed at established and developing businesses that are seeking new growth or the opportunity to get a new and innovative business idea off the ground. Business Tornio will carry out a full assessment of your needs and will help you to identify the right premises, collaborators and experts as well as funding sources.

Relocation services

Thanks to the excellent location, plentiful supply of commercial land and properties and first rate transport links, the TornioHaparanda area is the perfect setting for your business to thrive.

The City of Tornio business unit is able to respond flexibly to businesses wishing to relocate to the area, as the group comprises business development, land use, land sales and land lettings staff.

Border advice

Are you planning to start up a new business or expand your existing operations across the border? Would you like to recruit? Do you need help with identifying the correct authorities to contact or are you unsure about how to proceed? We are here to guide you.