Kirsti Muinonen Piknik

Kirsti Muinonen Piknik 11.10.–17.11.2024

Bee farms, lights and shadows of the south, utopias and peculiar star atlases. Artist Kirsti Muinonen offers all of this in her exhibition Piknik at the Aine Art Museum in October-November.

Kirsti Muinonen (born 1943, Helsinki), who has had a long artistic career, lives and works in Oulu. The exhibition at the Aine Art Museum presents Muinonen’s production in the past few years as well as new works completed in 2024.

The wide and wonderful world of childhood is the basis of Kirsti Muinonen’s artistic thinking:

“During the wartime and after, the factory was hidden inside the mountain, and the staff’s apartments were also hidden in the forest. The playground of my early childhood, the forest and its rich undergrowth with insects and fauna, and the invisible world added to it, are still present.”

In addition to her work as an artist, Kirsti Muinonen has done teaching work, e.g. Hyvinkää Art School, Liminka School of Arts, and the University of Art and Design. For the longest time, Muinonen worked at the architecture department of the University of Oulu between 1990 and 2010, teaching architecture students color theory and basic art studies.

Kirsti Muinonen studied at the Finnish Academy of Arts in 1966–1970 and at the University of Art and Design in 1993–1996. Her teachers were e.g. Lauri Ahlgrén, Åke Hellman, Erkki Heikkilä and Erik Enroth.

Kirsti Muinonen’s works belong to several important art collections, e.g. to the art collections of Oulu Art Museum, Kajaani Art Museum, Aine Pictorial Art Foundation, Joensuu Art Museum, Helsinki Art Museum, Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation and Norrbotten County Art collections.

Kirsti Muinonen has done several public works of art, e.g. Oulu University of Applied Sciences, Oulu Metsokangas community centre and Lake Nature Center in Rantasalmi.

Kirsti Muinonen Piknik
The Aine Art Museum, Torikatu 2, 95400 Tornio