
Tornio offers a wide range of op­por­tun­it­ies for outdoor activities, exercise and sports for people of all ages from children to youths, adults and senior citizens.

Diverse sports op­por­tun­it­ies in Tornio

Together with its neighbor, Haparanda, the City of Tornio offers a wide range of opportunities for independent and instructed outdoor activities, sports and exercise for people of all ages from children to youths, adults and senior citizens.

The river and coastal archipelago and their gorgeous scenery are attractive locations for outdoor activities and boating or fishing trips. A wide range of local nature trails serve everyone from skiers to snowmobiles and hikers. Tornio’s beautiful parks and historical attractions offer experiences and recreation, while the city’s numerous playgrounds are fun for the whole family.

Tornio also maintains indoor sports facilities, where you can take part in instructed sessions, jump in for swim, or take care of your fitness in a gym. Time slot lists for sports facilities can be viewed in the Timmi service. The City of Tornio Sports Services manages the time slot lists for facilities and organizes exercise activities for residents of all ages.

Tornio is also home to several sports clubs, associations and companies that organize a wide range of sports services.