
Museum Staff


Titta Kallio-Seppä, title of docent, MSc (Econ)

Museum Director
tel. +358 50 597 1557
Administration, development, marketing

Joni-Pekka Karjalainen, M.A.

Museum Educator
tel. +358 40 631 8339
Co-operation with schools, marketing, events, education, guided tours

Julia Autio, M.A.

Cultural Heritage Coordinator
tel. +358 40 778 4418
UNESCO’s intangible cultural heritage and world heritage, cultural heritage education

Merja Stenberg, FM

Project manager
tel. +358 40 516 0999
Torne River Dipnet Culture -project

Annemari Tranberg, Ph.D.

tel. +358 40 483 0773
Archaeological heritage, cultural heritage education

Teija Ylimartimo, M.A.

Building Researcher
tel. +358 40 828 7022
Cultural landscape, architectural heritage

Johanna Peuraniemi

Building Preservation Expert, On study leave

Terhi Tanska, M.A.

tel. +358 40 630 8816
Regional museum work, networking, guidance of local museums

Saija Pietiläinen, M.A.

tel. +358 50 597 1558
Museum collections, donations, planning and making exhibitions, guided tours

Inari Porkka, M.A.

tel. +358 40 647 3466
Local heritage archives, collection of photographies, museum library

Outi Johansson

Museum Secretary
tel. +358 50 597 1564 (e-mail: outi.k.johansson(at)
Office management and client service

Virpi Toratti

Museum Assistant
tel. +358 50 597 1559
Ticket office, bookings, museum shop

Elina Kan­nelsuvanto

Museum Assistant
tel. +358 50 597 1559
Ticket office, bookings, museum shop, guided tours, museum pedagogy

Juho Nevalainen

Museum Assistant
tel. +358 50 597 1559
Collection of photographies, photography

Alexis Leiviskä

Museum Assistant
tel. +358 50 597 1559
Collection of photographies

Aapo Suominen

Museum Technician
tel. +358 40 665 9884
Carpentry, building exhibitions, logistics, storage spaces

Pasi Makslahti

Museum Technician
tel. +358 40 688 2944
Carpentry, building exhibitions, logistics, storage spaces