City and ad­min­is­tra­tion

Frontpage » City and administration
  • Contact information

    Contact information

    Kompassi is a customer service point for Tornio residents and visitors, located in the Tornio City Hall lobby. All documents are received by the city’s Registry office, after which they are entered in the records management system and forwarded for processing.

  • Decision making

    Decision making

    This page contains information on the city’s decision making.

  • Information on Tornio

    Information on Tornio

    Tornio is an attractive border city of happy residents, renewable services and successful businesses.

  • Organization


    The highest decision-making body in the City of Tornio is the City Council. The city’s Central Administration is directed by the Mayor.

  • Participate and influence

    Participate and influence

    Residents have numerous opportunities to influence matters in their municipality and present their opinions and suggestions to city officials and decision-makers.