Torne Valley Dipnet Culture -project

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Torne Valley Dipnet Culture -project

The main objective of the Interreg Aurora project is to preserve the hundreds of years old cultural heritage of dipnet fishing in the Torne valley region for future generations. This living cultural heritage is an essential and well-known part of the identity of the Tornio River. 

The project consists of four work packages, which include activities ranging from developing a safeguarding strategy to a mobile exhibition, VR tools, and applications. The goal is to increase awareness of the cross-border dipnet fishing culture through e.g. events, podcasts, and marketing materials. A key part of the project is the transmission of knowledge to younger generations. Tradition practitioners, fishing communities, municipalities, organizations, and other stakeholders are involved in the sustainable conservation work within the project. 

Project partners

The Torne Valley Dipnet Culture project is a collaboration between the City of Tornio (lead partner), the City of Haparanda, the Norrbotten Museum/Region Norrbotten, and Novia University of Applied Sciences. The umbrella organization Pro Siika ry is an official partner of the project and represents the traditional communities and associations on both sides of the border. The Torne Valley Museum is responsible for project administration.

Basic information

Implementation period: 01.08.2024 – 31.12.2026 

Budget:  817 875 euro