
The highest decision-making body in the City of Tornio is the City Council. The city’s Central Ad­min­is­tra­tion is directed by the Mayor.

City of Tornio Central Ad­min­is­tra­tion

The highest decision-making body in the City of Tornio is the City Council, which is responsible for the operation and finances of the city, holds power of decision on matters concerning the city and transfers said power with ordinances under administrative regulations.

The City Board is responsible for the preparation and execution of decisions by the City Council and for monitoring their lawfulness.

The City Board directs the city’s operations, administration and finances. The City Board is responsible for coordinating the city’s operations, for ownership steering, and for the city’s human resources policy, internal monitoring and risk management.

The city’s Central Administration is directed by the Mayor.

The Central Administration consists of three divisions:

  • Ad­min­is­tra­tion and Development Services
  • Education Services
  • Technical Services