Cross-Border Cooperation

Haparan­daT­ornio is the or­gan­iz­a­tion for cross-border cooperation between Tornio and Haparanda cities.

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Haparan­daT­ornio – Cross-Border Cooperation since 1987

HaparandaTornio is the organization for cross-border cooperation between cities. It was founded in 1987, and its primary mission is to develop, deepen and increase the cooperation between the cities and their inhabitants. To realize this HaparandaTornio works with different projects and both national and international partners.

The cooperation has achieved many milestones during its 30-year-period, here mentioning four of the major ones: The Travel Center, the Museum of Tornio Valley and Victoria Square.

The Travel Center is situated on Swedish ground but is in common use.

The Museum of Tornio Valley opened as early as 1914, but underwent a massive renovation between 2011–2014. Since January 2014 The Museum of Torne Valley is a shared museum of Tornio and Haparanda. The museum showcases the history of the Torne Valley region on both sides of the Torne River.

Victoria Square is a common market place which was named after Sweden’s crown princess. The square was inaugurated in 2011 by the crown princess herself.